As a spirit, it appears as a two-dimensional being with a half-split design; again with one side black with three sun symbols, and the other grey with three crescent moon symbols. As a spirit, he appears as a two-dimensional being with a half-split design; again with one side black with three sun symbols, and the other grey with three crescent moon symbols. The Collector is a childish and reckless entity whose personality mirrors that of a pre-character development Luz Noceda. Initially, the Collector was nonchalant about the world around him, as he used his powers freely to manipulate reality to suit his needs. This casual indifference caused him to see others as toys for his amusement, such as viewing the catastrophic events the Day of Unity would unfold as a fun activity or casually killing Belos by likening his payback for Belos' double-cross as a game of tag.
At the Knee, their tour comes to an abrupt end when the Collector hears breathing in the distance and the group realizes Belos has possessed the titan. The Collector starts playing with King and his puppets, acting out scenes that very loosely depict events in the show. At one point in time, Terra Snapdragon played Eda, but later got turned into a puppet due to not doing a good enough job. King tries to get him to stop, but he refuses and they head back to the Archive House where he has Odalia Blight put away the puppets and serve Eda pizza bagels.
Eda Clawthorne

He decides to return to the stars to do some soul searching and King gives him Francois as a parting gift. As the Archive House is about to fall, the Collector rushes over to save it, being hit by Belos' infection. After Belos is defeated, he falls to the ground and the infection clears and the others come over to him. At first, the Collector cowers, but Amity holds out her hand and he tearfully takes it. When King eventually turns off the lamp, the Collector asks King if he could sleep with Francois, but King is hesitant, as he only lets one other person hold him.
Season 2
King explains the "Owl House" game to the Collector, saying it's kind of like playing pretend. He starts turning people into puppets, much to King's dismay, to help with the game and creates spies to help with this. He captures Eda, and stores her in a room guarded by puppets, under the impression that she's in Owl Beast form and can't change back, despite this not being the case. He has tan-yellow skin, bushy white hair and eyebrows, an upward-pointing nose, and a large pale blue blotch that eclipses the left side of his face, giving the right side the appearance of a crescent moon shape. During his takeover, the Collector resided in the Archive House with King, together partaking in a game with the transformed citizens acting out the adventures of King's life.
The Owl House Debuts New Clip From Disney's 'For the Future' Special - CBR
The Owl House Debuts New Clip From Disney's 'For the Future' Special.
Posted: Thu, 19 Jan 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]
One day, the Archivists told him that they will play hide and seek, and that he needs to visit a magical race known as the Titans to see if they will join. The Collector quickly befriended all of them, especially the younger ones, but his fun was interrupted when the Archivists became scared of the Titans' power. They started a war against the Titans and won, with there being only one Titan left, who, mistakenly blamed the Collector and, not wanting him to hurt his still-unborn son, used his powers to seal him away in the In-Between Realm for various millions of years. Younger members of the race, at least with the the Collector, display pale yellow skin with blue parts and various celestial markings, such as stars. Their attire consists of shorter, long-sleeved robes reminiscent of pajamas, with suns and crescent moons on either sleeve, as well as a nightcap-like hat.
The Collector doesn't believe him at first, until he eavesdrop on King's conversation with Eda and Lilith, coming up with a plan to stop him once and for all, but failing to see that King wants to try talking him down instead of sealing him away again. Belos even tells the Collector that Luz has returned and is also plotting to destroy him. In "Clouds on the Horizon", the Collector accompanies Belos as the latter sets up the functioning Portal Door in the Titan's skull, exactly where he found the Collector centuries ago. The Collector sadistically asks Belos if he's nervous to return home, bringing up the facts that the Human Realm must've changed drastically over the four centuries he's been gone, and that Philip himself has changed in the measures taken to extend his lifespan.
The Titan
Despite his god-like power, the Collector understood little about mortals, failing to grasp that his warped perception of fun has dire consequences and thinks little of the lives of others. When King tried to show him how harmful turning people into puppets was at one point, the Collector innocently reasoned everything was still a game of pretend, dismissing the people as little more than part of his game. He wants friendship so much that he’s willing to befriend even Luz, despite being manipulated into thinking she’s there to stop him and take King away. Upon a new suggestion, the Collector goes to play with her, Eda, and King, wanting to show them how much fun he can be and blissfully unaware of how dangerous and potentially deadly his games are. He's unable to understand why his new playmates are hurting him when they start to defend themselves from the mortal games. It doesn't take long for the disheartened Collector to open up to Luz as soon as she approaches him, showing his desperation in wanting someone to understand what he’s been through.
New 'The Owl House' Season 3 Clip Shows King and The Collector Searching for Snacks - Collider
New 'The Owl House' Season 3 Clip Shows King and The Collector Searching for Snacks.
Posted: Thu, 19 Jan 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]
Contact with the forerunning demonic species occurred, some even worshipping the Collectors, believing them to be gods and in awe of them wiping out the Titans. The groups that formed were the Titan Trappers who mimicked the actions of the Collectors in hunting down any Titan infants. They were worshipped as the patron god of the Titan Trappers, a warrior clan of witches dedicated to finding the last Titans and killing them.
The Collector's spies
Later in the episode, while Luz and her allies battle Belos, an equally betrayed Kikimora brings King down to the pit. There, he makes a deal with the Collector, who recognized King as the Titan's son, to free them and play a game of "Owl House" in exchange for ending Belos' Draining Spell. King uses his Titan powers to break the Collector's mirror, allowing him to escape it and regain his physical form before he stops Belos from killing Luz and instead splatters his body against the skull's wall. With the Boiling Isles saved and a new outlook on life, the Collector turns everyone back to normal and chooses to return to the stars for some growth and soul searching, having a new appreciation and respect for life. Grateful for everything she has done, he gifts Luz a new portal door so she can go back and forth between the Human and Demon Realms whenever she likes. When King gifts him his precious Francois, The Collector is deeply touched, knowing that he finally considers them a real friend.
When the Archives start to collapse, the Collector helps everyone inside while Luz defeats Belos with the help of Eda and King. Once the villain is defeated and the Collector returns every puppet to normal, he and Luz pinky swear to both keep doing their best and afterward gift her a new portal door so she can come and go between realms whenever she wants. When Luz returns to the Boiling Isles for her birthday four years later, the Collector gifts her with a shooting star show, grateful for everything she's done.
When attacking, a crescent moon symbol appears on their foreheads (this being the projectile used to cast their puppet spell), and both of their eyes face forward to lock onto their target. The Collector appears before Luz, Eda and King and forces them to play his favorite games, unknowingly endangering their lives. After being beaten in each of them, he starts to cry, unable to understand why his new playmates are hurting him. He reveals to Luz how he was imprisoned in the first place and reveals that every friend he had has lied to and betrayed him, even his own siblings the Archivists. In an attempt to get him to see the error of his ways, Luz, Eda, and King takes him on a tour of places that helped them bond and teach him how great kindness and forgiveness can be.
With a new outlook on life, the Collector chooses to return to the stars for some growing and soul searching, and is deeply touched when King gifts him his precious plus Francois and a hug, finally considering him a real friend. Before departing, the Collector gifts Luz a portal door so she can come and go between the Human and Demon realms whenever she likes, and they both pinky swear to keep doing their best. The Collector rejoices at the fact he will soon be free from his prison, stating there are "so many games" he wants to play once liberated. He adds that, if he and Belos require a third player, another Grimwalker could be made; Belos rejects this idea, saying he will only make another once Hunter is dealt with.
Meanwhile, Belos, after absorbing one of his unfinished grimwalkers, jumps to a window of the Collector's castle and possesses the Raine Whispers puppet. He then sneaks into the Collector's room and tries to possess him, but he is quickly restrained when the Collector wakes up by his presence. Belos convinces him that he was magically brought to life and has come to warn him that King is plotting against him.